Adoption Strategy

Product Foundation:

ecoToken has established a solid foundation with NFT Impact Certificates that provide value to a user's digital identity on Solana. These certificates are blockchain-anchored proofs of environmental contribution, ready to be showcased as part of the digital persona of environmentally conscious users.

Launching Impact Score and Leaderboard:

ecoToken is gearing up to debut our Impact Score and Leaderboard, transforming environmental action into a dynamic competition. This feature isn't just about individual achievements; it's designed to rally both individuals and communities to vie for the top spot in environmental impact on their respective blockchains. Communities will be able to band together, pooling their efforts to climb the ranks, while individuals can contribute to their community’s score and shine on their own merits. The Leaderboard will ignite a race for sustainability, pushing the entire Solana ecosystem towards more significant, impactful environmental contributions.

Including Other Projects in the Impact Score System:

ecoToken's Impact Score system integrates environmental efforts from various blockchain projects, with the potential boost rates to be determined by the DAO. Here are some examples:

- ecoToken Offset: Spend $50, get 100 base impact points.

- Holding a Coral Tribe NFT: Acts as a 20% multiplier on offsets purchased for an impact score resulting in 120 impact points for the $50 spend.

- Holding a Gain Forest NFT: Acts as a 30% multiplier for an impact score resulting in 130 impact points for the $50 spend.

- Holding a Gain Forest NFT + Coral Tribe NFT: Acts as a 30% + 20% multiplier for an impact score resulting in 150 impact points for the $50 spend.

These are illustrative examples; the actual boost percentages will be subject to DAO governance, aligning with partner projects' impact.

Community Incentives to Join:

- Achieve Carbon Neutrality: Communities can aim for carbon neutrality, demonstrating environmental responsibility and enhancing their brand image.

- Dedicated Community URL: A unique URL (e.g., will be provided for communities to facilitate direct offset actions.

- Contribute to Community Score: Offsets made through the dedicated URL contribute to the community’s cumulative score on the ecoToken leaderboard.

- Reinvestment into the Community: A portion of the offsets (5%) is reinvested into the community, promoting growth and incentivizing participation.

- Fractionalization and Airdrops: We can incentivize further action by utilizing the NFT community's NFTs and fractionalizing them to be airdropped to users. We can use NFTs given by the team or NFTs that are purchased through the portion of offsets dedicated to their community.

User Onboarding and Education:

As we prepare to unveil the Impact Score system, our strategy will focus on user education and onboarding. This will involve comprehensive guides, tutorials, and workshops to help users understand the significance of their contributions and how to enhance their scores.

Rewards for Users:

- Airdrop Participation: Top impactors will be included in ecoToken’s airdrop list, receiving a share of tokens at the launch, proportionate to their environmental contributions.

- Recruitment of Projects for Airdrop Allocation: Our team is actively reaching out to blockchain projects to allocate portions of their airdrops to users who have demonstrated significant environmental impact, further rewarding their efforts.

- Visibility and Recognition: Top impactors will receive public acknowledgment, enhancing their reputation within the community and showcasing their commitment to sustainability.

- Priority Access to Future Features: Those leading in impact scores may receive early access to upcoming features and beta tests, allowing them to continue to shape the platform.

- Networking Opportunities: High impactors will be granted opportunities to network with other leaders in the space, fostering community connections and collaborative efforts for sustainability.

Marketing Roll-out:

Our marketing strategy will introduce the Leaderboard and Impact Score in phases, starting with a campaign to generate excitement. This will include sneak peeks, testimonials from beta testers, and strategic partnerships announcements with key Solana projects and platforms.

As new projects get onboarded we would work on co-marketing announcements so engage their communities. This would be each time a new impact project is added to the impact score, new communities getting a dedicated URL, and each time an airdrop or allocation is dedicated to impactors.

Cross Chain Expansion:

While our immediate focus is on the Solana community, our roadmap includes expanding the Impact Score and Leaderboard to other blockchains. We're laying the groundwork for this expansion to ensure the transition is smooth and the user experience is consistent. Our first integration will be on Polygon with an integration into KlimaDAO. Our next step will likely be Optimism and to target taking Ethereum carbon neutral.

Final Steps Before Deployment:

We are in the final stages of preparing for a robust Go-to-Market strategy. We understand the importance of getting it right - making sure that when we launch, the Leaderboard and Impact Score not only meet but exceed community expectations.

ecoToken's Promise:

We're on the cusp of merging digital identity with measurable environmental impact on the blockchain. ecoToken's upcoming features will create a unique ecosystem where sustainability is not only encouraged but becomes a central part of the digital experience. Stay tuned for the official roll-out and be ready to make your mark on the Leaderboard.

Last updated